Oil & gas market
We offer complete packages of products which are mainly used for the construction of on- and offshore platforms, FPSO’s, Jack-up rigs and complex civil constructions. Our clients are major oil companies, Engineering Procurement & Construction (EPC) firms and offshore fabricators worldwide. In close cooperation with our clients we offer solutions most suitable for their demanding projects and their specific needs.
We service customer projects worldwide offering material supply, pre-fabrication works and logistical solutions to fulfill the project requirements.
Our clients deal with large complex projects under immense time pressure. We offer them a one-stop solution for delivery of their structural steel materials together with the required inspections and documentation. We perform to the high standards, norms and safety regulations of the oil & gas industry to support and service our clients.
Our clients are mainly located in the most active oil & gas markets in Europe, Americas, Middle and Far East where they perform engineering, design, execution and fabrication of:
With the support of our sister-companies Kröger Staal and Snijwerk BV and the extensive network of reliable 3rd party suppliers we have guaranteed steel availability from stock and new production.
Products & services
Europe Steel Projects provides multi product packages for oil and gas market in all corners of the globe. We support most challenging applications and next to carbon steel plates we offer high grade structural steel beams, seamless and welded pipes, hollow sections and merchant bars.
We can offer materials from central or local stocks to fulfill quick requirements in addition to the supply from rolling based on our worldwide suppliers networks.
In our stockyard in Europe we carry all high grade offshore grades which cover the various oil- and offshore specifications.
In case of special requirements we can arrange for additional testing like NDT, TTP, impact, CTOD testing in cooperation with reputable laboratories and under supervision of Third Party Inspection companies.
We facilitate cutting to size, profiling and finishing services like shot blasting and priming.
Product range & Material grades & Services we offer:
Heavy plates in thickness 4 – 300 mm
In grades
3.2 certification LRS/DNV/BV/ABS
Structural beams and sections in dimensions of height 80 – 1100 mm
In grades
3.1 / 3.2 certification LRS/DNV/GL
Structural seamless and SAW pipes in dimensions of OD 1”- 26 “ and for SAW OD 14” up to 48” with various WT
In grades
3.1 / 3.2 certification LRS/DNV/GL/ABS
Structural merchant bars: Angle, Flat, Round, Square bars
In grades
3.1 certification
Having an experienced customer service team, we are specialized to execute complex projects. With our know how on offshore market and international and local business knowledge we provide you with the best options for the execution of your project.
Optimal logistical solutions for deliveries of materials all over the world are offered in close cooperation with our reliable logistical partners.
Information on progress of projects, expediting, full traceability of materials, project-documentation, quality management are provided ensuring orders are finalized successfully and in time.
Our network of suppliers of producing mills and stockholding companies, is selected carefully and based on their strong performance, capabilities, quality certification and long term relationships we have with our vendors.
Our services and project management cover following areas:
Processing / Pre-fabrication:
Storage & Handling:
Logistics & transport:
Inspection & Testing:
Project-management and document control
Want to know more?
Please do not hesitate and call one of our contacts for Projects (100% daughter company of Europe Steel Center). They are happy to be of assistance.
Ms. L. (Laura) Barelds
Mr. E. (Edwin) Wakker
Ms. L. (Laura) Vink
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